The plan of the complex follows that of the Ayutthaya period. During the imperial presence, its premises housed various ministries and departments of the country. The Outer Court inside the complex formed the site of the different government departments that also included the treasury and the army. Near to the Outer Court is the '

The Inner Court, resembling a small city, is located behind the Central Court and formed the dwelling areas of the women. It was here that the King's royal consorts and daughters lived. Except young boys, no males were allowed inside its domains. Even today, the Inner Court is under lock and key and is not open to the public. The original area of the entire compound of Grand Palace was about 51 acres. However, under the rule of King Rama II, it saw expansion to its present area, which is nearly about 60 acres. With its dazzling groups of palaces, halls and buildings, this royal enclave is a must-visit during a trip to Bangkok.