Just like the sophisticated lot loves to explore places like Siam Paragon, Central World Plaza and MBK (Mah Boon Krong) Mall, visitors who want to make bulk purchases head to the Bo Bae Market. Located on Krung Kasem Road, east of Banglampoo, in Central Bangkok, it is a well-known wholesale market of the city. Operating for

Therefore, people who are looking forward to buying loads of good quality clothes, at amazingly low prices, should take a trip to Bobae. However, make sure to haggle for the price, or else the vendor might just take you for a good ride. People, who are finicky about colors, sizes or are looking for designer wears, should better avoid Bobae. Besides, people who are not up for wholesale shopping, but would like to buy similar products in smaller numbers, can also visit the Bobae Tower, located near the market. There are more than 700 shops in the tower that is a heaven for Thai merchants, exporters and tourists.